
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Magnificent glimpses of Ubqari Spiritual Congregation

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

By Maulana Muhammad Waleed al Rasheedi, Ustaz Jamia Madaniya (Qadeem) Lahore and spiritual successor of Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib (Damat Barakatuhum)

The participants were also blessed to see amazing dreams which they mentioned in the congregation. There were numerous fortunate participants who got their hidden wishes fulfilled during the congregation. Alhamdulillah

In this stressful age, everyone is worried and searching passionately to find tranquillity and peace. You will hardly find a person who is satisfied with his destiny. Be they rich or poor, men or women, everyone is equally worried and distressed. Some of them are victim of poverty while others may be suffering from demonic effects. The childless are wishing to have children while those already having children are in continuous thoughts of reforming their children. Some are surrounded by physical ailments and others are suffering from numerous spiritual diseases. Fortunately, for all such distressed people there are groups of people who always yearn to spread peace and tranquillity in others’ lives and a manifestation of such effort was the Ubqari’s Lahore congregation held on 20-22 November 2015 .The editor of Monthly Ubqari, Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib (D.B) is continuously spreading the message of peace and tranquillity in the world and all his efforts have proved very fruitful. Despite the shivering cold, there was a great hustle and the number of participants outreached all the expectations. Even they had to erect additional tents for the participants.

The participant came from all over the Pakistan. Some of them had to sell their goats to arrange for travel expenses while someone had to sell their jewellery or even had to borrow from heir friends. There were also some participants who had already saved some money for this event while the rich completely forgot about their comfort and participated in the gathering which though was not as luxurious arrangements as they already had. Among the female participants were such a wealthy women who might be using the lipstick worth hundreds of thousands rupees but they participated in the congrreagation like a common person.  Among the participants were the billionaires as well as those living hand to mouth but everyone’s wishes were granted and they left praying for Ubqari and Tasbih Khana. There were adequate arrangements for bedding and meals. Hadhrat Hakeem sahib had spared some precious moments from his excessively busy schedule and his enlightening sermons benefitted both the audience as well as the far off persons who were listening to all the sermons online. Most of the participants witnessed some amazing dreams and they saw noble personalities of this Ummah and they mentioned about these in the congregation as well. There were numerous fortunate participants who got their wishes fulfilled during their stay in the congregation. AlHamduliLLAH!

Now I would like to mention briefly about the six main meetings when Hakeem Sahib also addressed the participants.

The congregation started on 19 November after Maghreb prayers with the heart-warming sermon of Hadhrat Hakeem sahib. There were a huge number of men, women and children present in the audience. The men were stayed in the 4.5 canal expansive Tasbih Khana with the best arrangement for their beddings and food. There were special arrangements for a 24-hours uninterrupted water and power supply. For ladies, there were secured arrangements in two different buildings and they were also provided with the best living and food facilities. On the first dawn, Hadhrat Hakeem sahib delivered his message of peace and spirituality followed by Dhikr, meditation and tearful prayer. At 1 pm afternoon, the Friday sermon started which was delivered by Maulana Waleed Sahib (spiritual successor of Hadhrat Hakeem sahib). Then there was next session held after the Isha prayer when Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib addressed for the second time followed by Dhikr, meditation and sobbing prayers. Then all the participants were allowed to sleep.

Next day after Fajr prayer, the third session was held followed by Dhikr, Meditation and prayer and all the participants were served with delicious food, Halwa (dessert) and tea. After Zuhr prayer Hadhrat Hakeem sahib mingled among the participants and let the participants share their medical and spiritual experiences. All the participants shared their proven tips with all the participants and thus defied the bad custom of hiding their knowledge and experiences which benefitted the people at large. Then after Isha prayer the fifth session was held followed by Dhikr, Meditation and prayer. Then on 22 November 2015 after Fajr, the last session was held in which Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib Damat Barakatuhum led Dhikr, Meditation and Dua followed by the blessed Ruqiyah. There was a huge crowd from Lahore as well as the nearby cities on the last day and all the space in Tasbih Khana, Darul-Tauba and the close-by street were fully packed. Moreover, Hadhrat Hakeem sahib also performed special Ruqiyah for the childless couples which had already been announced. For this special recitation and Ruqiyah, people brought with them 41 units of cloves and an apple. The childless patients were also given a medicine by Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib for as little as a hundred rupees.

All the participants prayed vehemently during these 3 days and were blessed equally by Allah. There were magnificent arrangements of breakfast on the last day after the conclusive prayer and the special thing was that the whole food was distributed by Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib himself. It was immensely pleasing. The unique things of this congregation were the special arrangements for women participants. The women’s upright bringing has a twofold benefit for the family and there were a huge number of women and children. Despite being huge in numbers all the women demonstrated sheer discipline and tolerance. Those spending their nights on the beds of millions of rupees spent their nights while lying on the floor with peace and comfort. Some ladies participants also wrote their problems and submitted to the Ubqari office mentioning that their chronic ailments were miraculously being healed during their stay and they were finding an amazing peace in their hearts. They had also been feeling a sense of concentration in their prayers as these were full of tears then. All the participants departed while praying vehemently for Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib for some of the wonderful moments of their life. I wish those who could not attend this year’s congregation may also join there next time to get benefitted from the Ocean of Allah’s Marcy and Blessings.

Follow-up of congregation and reward for those who assisted: Those who participated in organising this memorable congregation were all had special sitting with Hadhrat Hakeem Sahib where they were blessed with plenty of sincere prayers and were gifted a special prayer mat as well as beads which made them forget all the fatigue that they had during the three extremely busy days and they left rejoicing their achievements.

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